Tuesday 16 January 2018

Don't leave it too late to seek Relationship counselling

Don't leave it too late to seek help with your relationship.

It has been found that a couple will wait 6 years in an unhappy relationship before seeking help with a counsellor.

It is one of the frustrations of my job as a Relationship Counsellor when I see couples that have left it just too late to save their relationship. Too much water has passed under the bridge, too many hurts and resentments have eroded their love and affection. 

It is very common for couples to tell me on successful completion of counselling that they only wish they had come years earlier. So what are the reasons most couples wait so long before coming to counselling?

The most common reason I hear is that they in some way feel a failure by not being able to sort through the problems themselves.
Another reason is that (In the majority of cases the man) fears the emotional vulnerability of counselling. Fearing having to talk about their emotions to a stranger. 
Another reason is fear of the unknown. Many couples just don't know what to expect from relationship counselling, and this fear of the unknown makes them avoid it until the relationship is in such distress they have no other option.

The average number of sessions required by couples to reach a successful outcome in my practise in 2017 was 6. If your car broke down you would not hesitate to take it to a garage and get it fixed. If you need legal advise you would seek the services of a Solicitor. If you need financial advise you would seek the services of a Financial adviser. So it should be with Relationship Advise.

Unfortunately Relationship Advise is not taught in our schools and Universities, with most people learning through the often painful experience of trial and error. Our relationships provide the very foundations of our lives, and when they are not working our whole life operates under a dark cloud. 

A distressed relationship causes both physical and mental health problem. Chronic stress, fatigue, depression, anxiety and insomnia are common problems for couples that have been distressed for many years. Unhappy adult relationships also effect the health of children. It has now been proven that children who are raised in a stressed environment are far more likely to suffer from Asthma or other autoimmune diseases.

If your relationship is currently troubled and you do not know how to move forward and improve your situation, choose to make 2018 the year you decide to seek help and get your relationship back on track. Relationship counselling works - over 90% of the couples I worked with in 2017 said they felt their relationship had significantly improved with relationship counselling. They also felt confident that they had acquired the skills to maintain a happy relationship and to overcome any challenges that might arise in the future.

Seeking help is not failure. Quite the opposite, it is choosing a positive way forward. It is making a conscious decision to improve your life, and find the happiness you deserve.

Visit my website at www.counsellingandcoachingcardiff.co.uk to find out more about me and how I can help you create the relationship you deserve. 

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